Thursday 10 May 2012

Question 6

6, What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

To create my magazine i mainly used my Macbook, although i did use the school conputers whilst at school to put my magazine together. On the school computers i mainly did the writing work towards the magazine and on my Mac i mainly produced the front cover, contents page and double page spread.

To take the photographs for my magazine i used my Canon EOS 550D, the features on this made me get the exact quality of picture that i wanted.

To transfer my work from using my Macbook to using the school computers i used my Kingston memory stick. This enabled me to easily to do work to the designing of my magazine and adding more on to previous work i had already done on another computer.

To edit my images and make my magazine i used Photoshop CS4, which enabled me to do all the editing on my magazine and get it looking exactly how i wanted it to.

To then put all of my work onto my blog, i had to upload it to Scribd before it could go on my blog.

Once my work was on Scribd i then had to copy and paste the urls so that it could go on my blog, to edit my blod i had to go on Blogger.

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