Thursday 10 May 2012

Question 5

5, How did you attract/ address your audience?

I attracted my audience by making my cover attractive, making sure the colours within the scheme matched and that all the writing was carefully placed so that it was understandable for the audience to read. Nothing was too packed, for example no writing was on top of other writing making it difficult for people to read. Everything was spacious making it look more attractive and presentable for any potential readers.

On the front cover i used fonts and sizes that would be appropriate for the readers, so that they could easily understand the writing. The main stories were spacious, so that readers could tell where the content of one story started and finished. The different font types attract people as the cover does not consist of the same font styles throughout which readers could find too simple and boring.

On the contents page i used different font styles, sizes and colours to make it stand out. The names of the artists were in a big and bold font so that this stood out for the readers, and their story was smaller font underneath. I didnt want to put the brief content in big writing as it would take up a lot of the page and there would be less space to put all the important features i wanted to on there.

For the double page spread i put the writing in a hot pink colour for the questions asked in the interview, the answers for the questions were in black. I did this so that the reader could tell the difference from the questions and answers, making it easier for them to read.

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