Thursday 10 May 2012

Question 2

2, How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My magazine does not focus on particular social groups, it focuses more an age group. It aims to appeal to young females, the colours of the magazine being baby pink, hot pink, black and white shows that the magazine is feminine. The images show a female that is shown to take pride in her appearance which suggests the magazine is aimed at females who are interested in makeup, hair and fashion. The posture of the model is confident and suggest she is an idependent young woman, her facial expression is serious which suggests she can be grown up and knows when to take things serious. The models hairstyle is curly which is a fun hairstyle, suggesting she is girly and knows how to have a good time. Overall i think that the magazine is aimed at a young generation of females who have an interest in music and fashion, there is no particular social group, its an open ended target audience.

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