Wednesday 9 May 2012

My Questionnaire


1, Are you male or female?
    Male (10)
    Female (10)

2, How old are you?
   15-25 (6) (8)
   26-36 (4)
   37-47 (2)

3, Do you currently buy music magazines?
   Yes (8) (2)
   No (2) (8)

4, If yes, how often?
   Once a week (2)
   Once a month (6) (2)
   Once a year

5, What genre of music do you like best?
    Rock (2)
    R&B (6) (4)
    Hip hop (2)
    Garage (4)
    Reggae (2)
    Other ....................

Would you like fashion to be incorporated into a music magazine?
Yes (10) (2)
No (8)

How much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
£0.50 - £1.50 (2)
£1.51 - £2.50 (2) (2)
£2.51 - £3.50 (6) (6)
£3.51 + (2)

() - Male answers
() - Female answers

I asked 10 males and 10 females to make it fair for both to have their opinion. The reults show the majority of people were aged 15 - 25 which will affect who my target auidence is, it means i will aim to make my magazine appeal to this age range. It seems that 8 females currently buy music magazines whereas only 2 males do, this would suggest that females are my bigger target audience as more would be interested in buying a music magazine. My magazine will be a monthly issue as more people buy magazines monthly rather than weekly or yearly, this means that more people are likely to buy the magazine if its issued every month. The most popular genre of music voted for by the people was R&B, this therefore sways the genre of my magazine to be based on R&B music. All 10 females, which seem to be my biggest target audience said they would like the fashion industry incorporated into the music. My magazine shall be priced at £3.00 this is due to the majority of people willing to pay £2.51 - £3.50, therefore if i meet half way it means that if the magazine was ever to go up in price people would still be willing to buy it and it means that people who were willing to pay £2.50 may be willing to pay that extra 50p if they believe the magazine is worth it.
The whole point of this questionnaire was to discover who is my main target audience and therefore who my magazine will mainly appeal to. The results have made it clear that my target audience is females aged 15 - 25 who are mainly interested in R&B music and like the idea of fashion mixing with the music industry for my magazine. They are also interested in a monthly issue of the magazine, if i follow all of this based on my results it means i will have the biggest target audience i possibly can.

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