Monday 27 February 2012

My Music Magazine

Editing On Photoshop

How I Used Photoshop to Edit My Images

Publication Plan For My Magazine

Publication Plan

Different Fonts

Colour Schemes

This is an idea of colour schemes from popular magazines. Every magazine has a scheme that stands out, for example by using bright blue and yellow on top of a white background like Blender magazine using the issue showing Kanye West on the cover. Each scheme consists of different colours, although some can be very similar none are exactly the same.

Analysis And Ideas

Music Magazine Analysis and Ideas

Wednesday 22 February 2012

School Magazine Contents Page

This is my contents page for the preliminary of a school magazine. The main image is of three pupils and the deputy head teacher, this image portrays a happy atmosphere within the school as everyone looks happy. They are all very smartly dressed which shows that the school takes pride in its appearance it also makes the pupils look more motiated because they are making the effort to look presentable. The contents page continues to use the schools colour schemes,to fit in with the purpose of the magazine which is so attract pupils of the school to read this magazine. It is a basic layout that does not consist of much writing, the purpose of this is that the more in depth amount of writing, the more likely it will put students off as they are more interested in getting straight to the point and looking at pictures.

School Magazine Front Cover

This is the front cover to my preliminary task of producing a school magazine. I wanted to keep the design of my cover basic, as the picture is very big i didnt want to then add in lots of writing that would make the magazine seem too packed which could make it look unattractive. I incorporated the the colour schemes of the schools logo and used this on my cover to make it fit the purpose of the target audience of school children aged from 11 - 18. The front cover only mentions two things that will be included in the magazine which are the interview with Mr Nelson and the competition of a chance to win £100, the point of having these was that they are more likely to be the stories that pupils will want to read more about and if it catches their attention they will look at the contents page and see what else is in the magazine. The main image is to represent that students enjoy learning at the school therefore if pupils parents read the magazine, they will see that the image on the front shows a pupil who is clearly enjoying reading a german dictionary as shown by the facial expression of a smile. The dictionary shows that the school is encouraging teaching their pupils different cultures to broaden their knowledge and to develop their skills in other languages.

Analysis Of York And Oxford University Magazines

Univeristy Magazine Analysis